Publications >> Security and Defence

Security and Defence (Publications by Antonio Trogu)

BRICS: new player in geopolitics

Cold War and Bipolar Confrontation: What Remains?

Kurdistan: Rojava the «State» of the Syrian Kurds

Geopolitical evolution of the Indo-Pacific: new international tensions

Libano. La prima esperenza fuori area

Bielorussia e il conflitto russo-ucraino

Balcani senza pace. Nuove tensioni tra Serbia e Kosovo

Il Valore Militare, oggi. Presente e futuro

La Giornata del Decorato ed il Valore Militare. El Alamein

Fine del trattato INF e stabilità strategica di Antonio Trogu

AUKUS - how the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific changes by Antonio Trogu

Conferenza di Yalta 4 – 11 febbraio 1945

Mediterraneo orientale e la disputa Turchia Grecia

1942 Africa Settentrionale. El Alamein

CONSEGUENZE DELLA SECONDA GUERRA MONDIALE - Guerra fredda e divisione dell’Europa


Master di I Livello in Politica Militare comparatal dal 1945 ad oggi. Dottrina, strategia, armamenti

Civil-military cooperation: Definition and Purpose

Cyber Defence: Centrality of the Human Factor, Main Defence and Prevention Tools

Cyber Defence: Centrality of the Human Factor, Main Defence and Prevention Tools

La Bulgaria 1919-1945

Quaderni del nastro azzuro

The Italian Army: History, developments and future

The Italian Army: History, developments and future

Etica militare e mestiere delle armi

Long-term Security Environment Challenges and Armed Forces Capabilities Development

Cyber Defence: Centrality of the Human Factor, Main Defence and Prevention Tools

Proliferation and Risks of Nuclear Terrorism

The Templars

The Templars

